International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics (ISGCA-2022), dedicated to the memory of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I. Pustovoyt
The school is conducted by the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University with the support of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Gravitational Society.
This summer school on gravity is held at Bauman Moscow State Technical University for the third time. The first school was held in 2019 with the participation of Russian and foreign lecturers and listeners. ISGCA-2022 is dedicated to the memory of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladislav Ivanovich Pustovoyt.
One of the main goals of the school is to attract talented Russian young students to research in the field of fundamental physics, introducing them to the main problems, ideas, and methods of studying the modern gravity theory and cosmology.
The program is designed for enthusiastic senior students majoring in theoretical physics. The participants are supposed to have basic knowledge of physics. The working languages of the school are Russian and English. Simultaneous conference interpreting will be provided. For the school participants there will be coffee breaks.
Within the framework of the summer school, lectures and practical classes will be given in the following areas:
- Special and general relativity theory
- Cosmology
- Black holes and wormholes
- Exact solutions in general relativity and modified gravity theories
- Gravitational waves: sources and detectors
An important place in the school curriculum is occupied by the problem of theoretical and experimental research of gravitational waves, which, at present, is one of the key issues of modern physics.
Well-known scientists from diferent countries will give lectures. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Aleksey Alexandrovich Starobinsky will give plenary lectures at the opening ceremony.
All participants of the school will receive an international participation sertificate.
The School will welcome both in-person (Bauman University, Moscow) and virtual (via Zoom) participants.
Dates: July 4th,– July 9th, 2022.
Venue: Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia (face-to-face and virtual participation).
Alexeyev Stanislav, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, Russia
Berezin Victor, Institute for nuclear research, RAS, Russia
Chervon Sergey, Bauman University, Russia
Fomin Igor, Bauman University, Russia
Gladyshev Vladimir, Bauman University, Russia
Gutierrez-Pineres Antonio C, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia
Kauffman Louis, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Levin Sergey, Moscow Institute of Expertise and Testing, Russia
Lukin Vladimir, Bauman University, Russia
Mishra Bivudutta, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus, India
Pinto Innocenzo, University of Naples «Federico II», Italy
Rudenko Valentin, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, Russia
Starobinsky Alexei, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, Russia
Sushkov Sergey, Kazan Federal University
Tripathy Sunil, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, India
Vyatchanin Sergey, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
School Leaders
Acad. of RAS, Prof. Alexey Starobinsky (head)
Prof. Vladimir Gladyshev (co-head)
Materials on the results of the school ISGCA-2022
Archive of lecturers’ presentations | Archive of student presentations |
cloud link | Khakimov, Denzel, Manucharyan, Kiselev |
International School on Gravity, Cosmology, and Astrophysics 2019
In the period from July 1 to July 14, in parallel with the PIRT-2019 conference, at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University also hosted a summer youth school on Gravity, Cosmology, and Astrophysics for students from Russia, Great Britain and Vietnam under the guidance of Prof. V.I. Pustovoit and Prof. V.O. Gladyshev.
The first part of the school was devoted to lectures on topical issues of the modern theory of gravity, cosmology and astrophysics, which were read by A. A. Starobinsky (Russia), P. Rowlands (Great Britain), I. Pinto (Italy), A. Bisham (South Africa), B. Mishra (India), S. Tripati (India), V. O. Gladyshev (Russia), S. V. Chervon (Russia), S. F. Levin (Russia), S. V. Siparov (Russia), I. V. Fomin (Russia) and V.L. Kauts (Russia).
In the second part, practical classes were held on the issues of building cosmological models, experimental studies of cosmological, astrophysical and artificially created gravitational waves and the physics of dark matter.
At the end of the school, reports were presented by the participants on the topic of constructing cosmological models of the early universe, various types of sources of gravitational waves and projects for their detection.
Professor Peter Rowlands gives a lecture to the students of the Summer Youth School «Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics»